sexta-feira, 9 de maio de 2008

Cat Poem

I have a Cat; an imaginary Cat;
A street orange Cat that try to sleep where don't have cold.
A Cat that haven't fears,
Have so much Cats friends that never stay alone [fisically].
A Cat hurted inside
That smile when splash.
It's Cat can sing and run so fast;
Scrash everyone and lick it's injuries
A lost Cat, that one day will listen the sound of happiness
Don't need a toy to be happy:
Only needs someone that smile and take care of him.
This pet is a sad Cat with an empty smile...
Little Cat, why are you sou scared?!
I hope find you at soon and finally help you.
I feel your trace dissapearing
Wait for me! Don't go away!
Don't cry lost Cat, tomorrow is a diferent day.
I gave you a sunrise, if you want.

9 de Maio de 2008


2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

I like your cat, your orange cat.

I like your cat when it's track shows where you are. When it shows what you're feeling... 'Cause your cat can't always be clear and he's not able to show your depeest solitude... It's like he hides his eyes...

Let him shows his eyes, so that he can smile. really smile, inside and outside!:)

Anónimo disse...

Resposta de lost cat para isa:

inda bem k gstas do meu "orange cat" (k "linsongeio" meu!)

o meu gato precisa msm d sorrir por dentro e por fora,como dizes, vamos ver a claridade de esse sorriso, s a virmos é pk existe msm, s n a virmos á bom saber k um dia existiu.

saudossos cumprimentos: Tita*